About halfway through my time at the Nambale Magnet School, I connected with a 12-year-old boy named Denzel.
I played soccer with his class for a while and he introduced himself to me after. I looked him in the eyes and said hello. From then on, if I was out and about, and Denzel wasn't in class, he was by my side. Often, he would sneak his arm in and lock arms with me.
One day, I sat outside the guest house and practiced sitting meditation - Denzel was apparently watching me. Throughout the rest of the week, he asked what I was doing and why and it opened up a beautiful conversation about breathing and gratitude. It was amazing to connect with him and was an experience I can't fully explain. The night before I left, Denzel wrote me a letter. Just before leaving, I wrote him a short letter and gave it to him. He hole-punched the letter and made it into a necklace with some string he found. He told me he would keep it forever.
Denzel with his letter. The colorful letter of love he made me!
I'm inspired by seeing what a moment of presence and sharing of love can do. And I see how we all do that and have both obvious and subtle impacts on people all over the world. Many of you have had a moment of presence and love, sharing it through gifts to fundraisers, sharing about our projects, and simply holding a loving space for all the children who thirst for so much love.
I want to take this moment to be in uninhibited, profound gratitude for all who have known what it means to be love, and walk the path of Truth.